Monday, April 11, 2016

Anger in a Peaceful Religion?

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All of us get angry at someone or something. Should Christians be angry, and if so what type of anger is good anger? I will explore this topic by the teaching of my pastor at church. First, anger is going to happen, but you need to decide as Christian what is good or bad anger. The good anger, or righteousness anger as my pastor calls it, is something your are angry about because off your compassion toward a justice. The most prevalent choice of " righteous anger," is social justice. This anger stirs you to want to do something which is great in God's eyes. The bad anger is the anger that is done because of self-pride. That is a sin that should not be part of your daily life as a Christian.  This anger is part of the Devil's pleasure. To accomplish this we need self-control. Self-Control in the sense that we do not fight back with someone or something, but resolve in the conflict in a peaceful matter. My pastor described, " a soft answer turns away wrath." Finally, never share a relationship with a hot-head. Hot-heads are like a snare our own soul. Remember with this thought that we can not change people, but only Christ. Proverbs is a great book to read each day to guide you in living the Christian life!

Monday, April 4, 2016

How to live as a Christian

I miss church this week because of work, so I watched a great sermon by the great Bill Graham set in 1957 during his New York Crusade. He came up with 5 essential ways to live as a Christian.

1. Pray everyday.
You have to have a definite time and place where you pray everyday. Prayer is work, and you should do it when you least want to. He described it greatly as setting an appointment with God.
2. Read the Bible Everyday
We all take care of our physical selves, but we need to take care of our spiritual too. Read the Bible until God has spoken to you everyday of your life. The Holy Spirit will show you the true meaning of life by this.
3. Discipline
All Christians need this to stay out of sins, and to keep their faith through trial and persecution.
4. Going to Church
It doesn't matter what church you go to because no church is perfect. The only thing that matters is that Christ is preached there, and we give it our all.
5. Willlingness for Christ
Act like Jesus in your life an obey his ways. others will see this and will want to ask you this secret to a happy life!

Shoutout to the blog God for Teens! A great Christina blog like this one that can deepen your understanding of Christ and your faith in Him!